welll... I haven't really been making music that much lately. Mostly been playing street fighter 4 on pc. I also have it for ps3 (lol), but I never play. I'm planning on buying an X-arcade tankstick at the end of this month. Gonna split the cost with my friend.
IF you want to play me on PC... my gamertag is zithninja. If you want to play me on ps3, my gamertag is zithninja. If you want to add me to xbox live, my gamertag is zithninja. If you want to add me to zithninja my gamertag is lolwut.
xfire: op1umz
quakelive: op1umz
AIM: mmllxwormsmaster
Steam: mormaster
As for my musicianship, I work very slow these days. I have a loop brewing for a friends flash game, which you can listen to here
Still in early production, still practicing, stuff like that. As for blackhole FX fullversion? I'm struggling with that T_T
I'll try and get it finished eventually though. I promise :P
Thanks everyone for the reviews and votes. I read every review, and even if I don't respond, I appreciate it very much.
If you want to game it up, I've provided various accounts of mine... so... yea. If your gonna add me to something, let me know first
Well I'm just glad to see you're alive. You have a Steam account huh? If you have HL2 DM I'll gladly take you on.
I will have to install it, but yeah. I do. :P